We are based in cork for Corcaigh people. We provide listing management services for this city's lovely and kind people.


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Stand out on Google

Google Business Profile

Build accurate and attractive Google Business Profiles for all your locations. Feature your reviews and engage visitors with relevant offers and updates using Google Posts.

Performance Insight

Local Listings Analytics

Access a complete library of reports with key metrics on listing performance — like site traffic, call volume, and keyword ranking, and address red flags in real-time. 

You know where you rank — now find out why

Local search audit

In local search, you get out what you put in. Rate your ranking potential and reveal issues quickly, so you can focus on what’s holding you back from climbing the local SERPs.

Local Search Grid

Local Search Grid is an SEO tool that can tell you exactly where your business is ranking on a granular level.

Instead of giving you one ranking number for a whole city, the grid tells you where you rank from one street to the next so you can discover who your competitors truly are. 

Duplicate Suppression

In a perfect world, each publisher would only have one single listing per business entity. Duplicates can appear from user contributions, conflicting data sources, changes in company branding, or several other reasons. Duplicate listings can negatively impact your brand in a number of different ways, such as decreasing rank in search result pages, causing consumer confusion, brand frustration, and reducing the reach for the correct listing

Profile protection

Pp are used to protect profile from being changed by users. Once it is created, profile data is protected from editing by competitors.

Account Manager

One Dedicated account manager will handle your requests we are your voice and make sure your every need is met. Having a dedicated account manager also helps us to learn more about you so we can be proactive and can update information in our data base so that each order is to your satisfaction. 

key sites

30+ sites are available for listing. As the number of listing increase, the influence of business will also increase to get more potential customer.

Voice optimisation

Optimizing for voice search is not black and white. Like other types of search results, there are things you can do to increase your chances of surfacing for voice search, but just because you do these things doesn’t mean your content will get read aloud.

Given the convenience aspect of voice search, it’s being used in more places than ever before. 

With the apparent rise in popularity of voice search, basic local SEO techniques remain as relevant as ever.

Clean up citation

Clean up damaged citation which can result in negative influence to the business. If damaged citation is not removed revenue can go to the competitors.